Posted on 7/1/2023

The Most Common Ailments of an Infiniti: What You Need to Know Infiniti vehicles are known for their luxurious features and top-notch performance. However, like any car, they are not immune to wear and tear. If you own an Infiniti or are considering buying one, it is important to be aware of the most common ailments that these cars experience. In this article, we will discuss the top issues that Infiniti owners should look out for and how to address them. Oil Leaks Oil leaks are one of the most common problems that Infiniti owners face. This is particularly true for older models that have high mileage. Oil leaks can occur from various points in the engine, including the valve cover gasket, oil pan gasket, and camshaft seal. If left unchecked, oil leaks can cause damage to the engine and result in costly repairs. Timing Chain Issues Another common issue that Infiniti owners experience is timing chain problems. The timing chain is responsible for synchronizing the movement of the en ... read more