Posted on 10/30/2015
How far can I drive on a flat tire? The short answer for how long you can drive on a flat tire is... at a speed above 35mph, you could cause irreversible damage in under one mile of driving. To properly answer the question "how far can I drive on a flat tire" depends two things: How flat is the tire (the psi) and what type of tire is on your car. If you need to know how to change a spare tire, click here. What is considered a flat tire? A flat tire is considered anything under 20 psi (pressure per square inch). When you are running your tire under 20 psi, the sidewalls of the tire will get very hot, the rubber will breakdown, the tire could come off the rim on a sharp turn, and this will ultimately lead to a tire blowout.   ... read more
Posted on 10/22/2015

Typically, you can drive your car with the check engine light on as long as it's running smoothly. Even though an illuminated check engine light isn't a great sign, we want to help you understand if you can still drive your car, for how long, and what will happen if you keep driving with the check engine light on. Why the Check Engine Light Turns On Your car or truck has many warning lights on its dash, and they all mean something different. Your check engine light should be easily identifiable as either an engine symbol, the words “service engine soon,” or the words “check engine.” The primary job of a check engine light is to let the driver know that one of the car's sensors is malfunctioning or that the car isn't running properly. The engine light can be solid or flashing. As a side note, the check engine light should always light up when you start your car, but it should turn off within six seconds of ignition. Is Your Check Engine ... read more