A+ Japanese Auto Repair, Inc.
We've been taking our cars to A+ for years, even since we moved further away. To be honest, I don't know how competitive their pricing is. That's because one of the most important things to me right now, with a 3-mth old and a 2-yr old, is convenience. The service there has always been excellent. They have a very sexy website now with online appointments, emailed images of repair issues, and live chat, (you can even watch videos and fan them on facebook!) but well before that they always gave us that extra bit of help, dropping us to the local train station, running us home, letting us drop the car off the night before, whatever we needed to get this done. They have always communicated issues clearly and dealt with us promptly. Let's face it, noone enjoys dealing with car maintenance or repairs. So anything that makes it easier to get it done is GREAT.