Posted on 4/1/2020

We can officially say goodbye to winter, as spring is officially here! Spring means falling leaves, golden rays of sunlight peeking out behind the clouds, and of course, spring cleaning. The team at A+ Japanese Auto Repair doesn’t want you to forget about your vehicle this spring. During winter, your vehicle accumulates a massive amount of dust and debris. Spring is the perfect time to give your car a thorough cleaning. Here are some tips and tricks for spring cleaning: Start with the outside: Make sure to scrub your tires with a tire-cleaning spray and brush. Wash your vehicle bumper-to-bumper. We recommend washing your car twice in a row. Don’t forget about the underbody of your vehicle. A lot of debris and dirt can gather on your car’s underbody during wintertime. Dry your vehicle with a microfiber cloth when all finished. Now, you’re ready for your vehicle’s interior: Car ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2019
We all love the magic of Halloween, from trick-or-treating to classroom parties and even the occasional trip to a haunted house. Even though Halloween can be fun and festive, it can take a turn for the worst. Take a look at this scary statistic: children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than any other day of the year. Here are some Halloween safety tips to make sure your Halloween night stays safe and spooky for all the right reasons: A responsible adult should accompany young children on any trick-or-treating routes. Make sure you only travel in well-lit, familiar areas. When crossing the street, put those electronic devices down, keep your eyes and head up, and walk calmly across the street. Avoid masks, if possible, as they can obstruct vision. Consider fastening reflective tape to costumes and bags, or even give your children glow sticks for maximum visibility. All costumes, wigs, and a ... read more
Posted on 8/1/2019
It can be quite scary -- watching your teen driver take a big step and drive themselves to school. You can imagine them, blasting the radio and stepping on the gas pedal, but with a reliable and safe vehicle, you can breathe a little easier. These cars are equipped with safety features, from automatic braking to blind spot monitors. Safety is the top priority when it comes to auto repair and picking out the safest car for your teen driver. Here are the safest Japanese cars on the market: Toyota Corolla: All of the latest and greatest safety features can be found in a Toyota Corolla. This car is also an economical option, both price and fuel wise. Honda Fit: The Honda Fit is small, but mighty, as it is quite a roomy Japanese vehicle. As a bonus, it is quite safe and gets great gas mileage. Toyota Prius V: This car is a little bigger than your typical Prius, but all the safety features and economical advantages remain the same. What more can you ask for? Subar ... read more
Posted on 7/1/2019

This summer, explore what Northern California has to offer. Our beautiful state has so many different hiking locations! At A+ Japanese Auto Repair, we want to make sure your car is ready to get you where you want this summer. Check out these hiking trails that you’ll be sure to love! Explore, Castle Lake Trail, located in Mount Shasta. This 11-mile hiking trail offers a spectacular view of lakes and peaks, giving you some of the most unique views that you'll ever see in Northern California. Experience Cinder Cone Nature Trail, located 4 hours northeast from San Francisco in Old Station, California. See Lassen’s volcanic landscape from this cinder cone. You will be able to see the landscape that was transformed by volcanic activity. Purisima Creek Trail, located in Half Moon Bay, that overlooks the slopes of the Santa Cruz mountains. From there, you will be able to see the beautiful redwood trees and creeks. Experience Santa Cruz’s beauty from this l ... read more
Posted on 6/1/2019

There are tons of mobile apps out there designed to help us make our lives more efficient, including apps for directions. Most of these direction apps are geared toward being hands-free, meaning they are safe for you to use while driving. In fact, many of these apps are equipped with warnings to remind you to put down your phone while driving and listen to the voice commands programmed into the mobile app. Not only are there mobile apps, but there are several GPS devices that are designed solely for the purpose of driving directions. Mobile apps, however, can be used for various forms of transportation, not just driving such as walking and biking. Here are 5 of the most helpful, free direction apps: Google Maps: This is the classic direction app and has proved its sufficiency time and time again. It has tons of voice commands too, really demonstrating its ability to be hands-free. Waze: This app not only offers directions but has several bonus features, including u ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2019
At A+ Japanese Auto Repair, we recognize how busy your day can get. From racing across town to drop your son off at his baseball game to being stuck in rush-hour traffic for your morning meeting, you have a jam-packed schedule. Sometimes, a trip to an auto repair shop can make your busy day even busier. With us, we strive to ensure your experience with us is stress-free and seamless, so you can continue to check items off your to-do list. Here are five ways we make auto repair convenient for you: Complimentary loaner vehicles: while our technicians are servicing your vehicle, you can utilize one of our ten loaner cars to get where you need to be. Yes, you can make it to your son’s baseball game or your morning meeting. Complimentary courtesy shuttle: our team can take wherever you need to go in the local area. Just because your car is in the shop doesn’t mean your day needs to come to a complete halt. After Hours Drop-off and Pickup: you can quickly drop ... read more
Posted on 3/6/2019
Spring is almost here, which means we can say good-bye to chilly temperatures and say hello to green grass, sunny skies, and of course, that pesky pollen. Some of the outside elements can find their way into our vehicle, and we might see ourselves doing more sneezing instead of stepping on the gas. If you are looking to minimize the allergens in your vehicle and still enjoy the spring flowers, we recommend following these helpful tips: Use the A/C system instead of rolling down the window. When you roll down the window to feel that breeze, you may be letting in several allergens. Wool seat covers and cloth floor mats are likely to trap dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores. If you can get rid of the wool seat covers and cloth floor mats, you can be saving yourself from being exposed to several allergens. Mold can cling to any wet towels, clothes, or leftover food you have in your vehicle. Remove any areas or items that may have excess moisture that can lead to ... read more
Posted on 4/17/2018

Unlike a check engine light, a maintenance required light is based strictly on a car’s mileage and when the light was previously reset. A qualified service technician can diagnose the car’s maintenance needs and provide the necessary services, such as changing the engine oil and oil filter or providing a general vehicle inspection. Since the maintenance required light has no way to determine the condition or level of the engine oil, it’s important to bring your car into a trusted auto shop to make the needed service changes. What Does a Flashing Maintenance Required Light Mean? Every time you start the car, the maintenance required light will turn on for about six seconds to test the bulb, and then go out. A flashing maintenance required light comes on after 4,500 miles. This is an alert for you to make an appointment for car service because yo ... read more
Posted on 10/22/2015

Typically, you can drive your car with the check engine light on as long as it's running smoothly. Even though an illuminated check engine light isn't a great sign, we want to help you understand if you can still drive your car, for how long, and what will happen if you keep driving with the check engine light on. Why the Check Engine Light Turns On Your car or truck has many warning lights on its dash, and they all mean something different. Your check engine light should be easily identifiable as either an engine symbol, the words “service engine soon,” or the words “check engine.” The primary job of a check engine light is to let the driver know that one of the car's sensors is malfunctioning or that the car isn't running properly. The engine light can be solid or flashing. As a side note, the check engine light should always light up when you start your car, but it should turn off within six seconds of ignition. Is Your Check Engine ... read more